Clay and Macy |
Somebody who reads this may think I am borderline nuts... they are just dogs. I get that, I was that! Growing up we didn't really have dogs. The occasional pet here and there, but they never lasted very long. And 'those' dog people drove me nuts: getting their hair done (with bows), including them in the family Christmas card updates, doggie car seats, cooking meals for them- YES COOKING... "so weird, do they think it's a kid or something?!?!"
I must have rolled my eyes hundreds of times over the last 26 years of life at people and their dogs. And now I am one, what happened to me...
I met my husband around this time five years ago... maybe six, not so good with dates. He was tall, strawberry-blond, with the deepest blue eyes. Just dreamy. I think he could have spit on me and I would have blushed. Well, as I'm sure you can tell by my description, I fell head over heels pretty quickly. He on the other hand, I just wasn't sure...
We were out one night and I mentioned how much I loved his roommate's dog and I said he should get a puppy (you don't have to be a dog person to love puppies). Kinda forgot about it but a week or two later, Macy- our boxer, magically appeared. I guess that's when I knew he REALLY liked me too. His mom jokes he got the dog to get the girl, it worked! Overnight I became a dog lover and our girl has been with us ever since. Thankfully (I think it is the breed), she has totally eased me into the dog thing, she is obidient, calm and loves to cuddle.
Me and Molly |
Then there's my Molly! Macy is definitely Clay's dog. She loves me but she follows him around everywhere just waiting for his attention. Molly is my dog. We got her for Thanksgiving (?) in 2009. She is a lab/ German Sheppard mix. She is spunky, energetic, SWIMS and just wants to play ball. I'm not really sure how it all worked out but my girls love us and they love each other (even thought they are so different). I think life would be rather boring without them. While they are very spoiled, don't worry! No bows, no cooking for them, no car seats and definitely no Christmas card updates... so far.
Best... don't bark, calm, obidient, generally friendly, short-haired (less shedding), love to cuddle
Worst... ear infections, can't swim or tolerate cold, really no purpose (don't fetch, can't hunt with them, low endurance, don't protect), moody
Lab/ German Sheppard
Best... fun, friendly, can fetch, swim, hunt, tolerate cold, protectors, happy
Worst... long hair/ shedding, bark a lot, not cuddlers, less obidient
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