Monday, March 28, 2011

The Potato Diaries

If you think back to my first post ever {We're in Texas... Let's Talk Beef...} you might remember my ongoing potato conflict. I actually got used to the beef before I could ever get used to all the potatoes in this country club cowgirl life. But a few months ago we started entertaining a little more and I was on the quest to find some new semi-healthy, cheap options to serve. WA-la... I discovered the super easy, yummy, cheap ($3/5lb bag), semi-healthy BAKED potato and (company or not) Clay and I have both been on the potato train ever since. I never thought I would say that... in fact the potato might as well have been called 'cheesecake' in the Weitzel house growing up- off limits. This is a big deal!

Baked Potato
  1. Buy your potatoes at store (new, red, Idaho, u-daho... whatever)
  2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  3. Scrub under cold water
  4. Dry
  5. Puncture with fork or knife 3-4 times per side (so you have a puncture at least every few inches)
  6. Rub outside with quarter-ish size drop olive oil and salt to taste (I use sea salt because it is more coarse and hard to over salt things)
  7. Place in open Pyrex or tray with lip for 1-2 hours depending on size of potatoes (they can be touching)
  8. After about an hour squeeze to see if soft, continue to cook until able to squeeze between fingers easily
Best part of this recipe is it is very hard to overcook these because the olive oil keeps them from drying out but they are not oily either, love that! Also, don't judge me, but they usually keep in the fridge for 4 or even 5 days (after that they start to get a little soggy).

Now that you know how to make them, here are some interesting facts about potatoes... click here.

Now, if you douse yours in sour cream and bacon there's no getting around it- not healthy. But a few toppings I love are: cottage cheese & salsa, feta & veggies, Laughing Cow 35 cal Swiss with salt/ pepper, marg & mozzarella, mozzarella/ basil & tomatoes... and of course every once and while... sour cream and the works. Let me know if you know any other potato ideas. I am all for trying them!

1 comment:

  1. haha! I LOVE this! ;-) Just in case you are in the mood for some EXTRA bad for you but oh so yummy potatoes. . . here are some ideas! :-) and
